Παρασκευή, Αυγούστου 18, 2006

Astronomy 101....

Our solar systems has 9 planets....

Nah, scrap that!

So, as it seems, according to a draft decision by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), the number of the planets of our solar system is going to come up to 12. For the last years astronomers have been discovering solar system bodies, some of them larger than Pluto (the out-most planet of our system), so the issue of what is actually a planet came up. In IAU's General Assembly that is currently being held at Prague, an actual definition of "planet" is proposed, and a new category of planets is introduced, the "plutons" (in sum, "plutons" are the planets which are far, far away from the sun). For more information, check this article.
If the decision is passed, then astronomy books will have to be rewritten, and as for us, who are already out of high school, we will have to remember the names of the 3 new members of our solar system. So, here they are:
  • Ceres (named after the Roman goddess of agriculture, identified with Demeter of Ancient Greek mythology)
  • Charon (the ferry-man of the dead in Ancient Greek mythology) and
  • 2003 UB313

Now, believe it or not, students may not have a problem remembering the last one, which although has no official name, it has been known (and nick-named) for some time as XENA.

And yes, that IS the lady in leather and with a chakram

Planet Xena...

Imagine that!

Edit (24/08/2006):

The afore-mentioned draft was rejected since it seems that the scientific community did not want to keep on adding "planets" to our solar system, as more celestial bodies would be discovered. Instead, they decided to provide a more strict definition of planet, and as a result, the number of "planets" of our solar system has been reduced to 8. Specifically, Pluto has been "demoted" to a "dwarf planet" and in the same category falls Ceres and "Xena" (2003-UB313). More details can be found here. So, no "planet Xena" after all....

Just, do not tell Lucy...

Κυριακή, Αυγούστου 13, 2006

Greek invasion? (Not really)

For the last 5 days or so, I've been seeing many Greek sailors walking on downtown Montreal (and standing in lines out of clubs on St. Laurent at night, but that's another story...), something that I found extremely strange.
It turned out that two Greek warships have docked at the old port, the HS Prometheus and the HS Aegean as part of a two month training trip. So, imagine my surprise when I got the old port, to find (next to the usual souvlaki stands) two Greek ships.
Now, since the docking coincided with the celebrations for the 100th anniversary of the Hellenic Community of Montreal, people are allowed to visit the ships in the late afternoon (after 17.00). Yes, you still have time. (Today is actually the last day!)
Anyway, here are some pictures I got with my cell: (of bad quality I am afraid; and a disappointment for some of my readers: no sailor close-up pictures-SORRY!)

(All the pictures depict "Prometheus", I did not take any pictures of the other ship)

So, if you come across some Greek sailors, don't worry; you have not been invaded! After all, Canada is too far away and besides, we are too lazy to do something like that during the summer.....

Σάββατο, Αυγούστου 12, 2006

A metro meme

(My turn!)

Not many, since I haven't been to many places, but anyway, here are the metro systems I have used over the years

Got at b3co.com!

From left to right: Toronto, Montreal, Amsterdam and Athens. (the first is "line 1", the 100 year old "electrical railways" system while the latter is "lines 2 and 3", the new metro lines constructed in the late '90's.)

Τρίτη, Αυγούστου 01, 2006

Coup de boule*

* Coup de boule: What Zidane did to Materazzi at the World Cup final....

Apparently, this song is becoming a hit: (post partially stolen copied and inspired from this blogger)

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Anyway, here is also the video clip I have just come across on the net.
It is just hilarious.....
And if you wonder what is being said, here are the lyrics...(In French of course. For an English translation, just check the original post I am referring to.)

Coup de Boule

Attention c'est la danse du Coup de Boule!
(Coup de boule, coup de boule)
Coup de boule à droite
(Coup de boule, coup de boule)
Coup de boule à gauche

Allez les bleus! Allez,


Zidane il l'a frappé, Zidane il l'a tapé
(Coup de boule!)
Zidane il l'a frappé, Zidane il l'a tapé
(Coup de boule!)
Zidane il l'a frappé, Zidane il l'a tapé
(Coup de boule!)
Zidane il l'a frappé, Zidane il l'a tapé

Le rital, il a eu mal
Zidane il l'a frappé
l'Italien ne va pas bien
Zidane il l'a tapé
L'arbitre l'a vu à la télé
Zidane il l'a frappé
Mais la coupe on l'a ratée
On a quand même bien rigolé


Trezeguet n'a pas joué
Quand il a joué il a raté
Il a tout fait capoté
La coupe on l'a ratée
Barthez n'a rien arreté
C'est pourtant pas compliqué
Les sponseurs sont tous fâchés
Mais Chirac a bien parlé


Attention c'est la danse du Coup de Boule!
(Coup de boule, coup de boule)
Coup de boule à droite
(Coup de boule, coup de boule)
Coup de boule à gauche
(Coup de boule, coup de boule)
Coup de boule avant
(Coup de boule, coup de boule)
Coup de boule arrière
(Coup de boule, coup de boule)

Et maintenant penalty
Attention il va tirer: un, deux, trois...c'est raté!


On a quand meme bien rigolé
Zidane et Trezeguet
La coupe on l'a ratée
Zidane et Trezeguet
On a quand meme bien rigolé
Zidane et Trezeguet
La coupe on l'a ratée
Zidane et Trezeguet

Et Trezeguet...et Trezeguet...
et Trezeguet guet guet
(Coup de boule, coup de boule)
et Trezeguet
(Coup de boule, coup de boule)
et Trezeguet
(Coup de boule, coup de boule)
et Trezeguet
(Coup de boule, coup de boule)

(I just hope that fans of "Les Bleus" will not hate me....)