Τετάρτη, Μαΐου 25, 2005

Another great day

For the record:

I had another great day (although I woke up at 8.30, and yes, that given the circumstances is early for me) So what did I do?:
  1. I attended a PhD thesis defense of a fellow student. Her thesis was so good. All the people of her committee made very good comments and actually she looked so confident when she was answering their questions. I just hope that when my turn comes (don't ask when, after all, officially I am starting my PhD program this Fall), it will be like that!. Congratulations Simone!!!
  2. I had a haircut because it was just about time!
  3. I attended a dry-run (at least the greatest part of it because of reason 2) of the people presenting at CLA. (I actually learned some things!!). So, for all of you people, as a Klingon to fellow Klingon warriors I bid qapla?.
  4. Later on, I, Raph, Tobin, and Josh went to TH for some drinks and Crazy Eights. Émile and Gustavo had to leave so they couldn't join us. I had a lot of beer there (4 or 5 glasses) but I also had a lot of fun (as always).
  5. At around 8.30 we all left TH; Josh and Tobin went home (??) and Raph proposed to go see Monster in law, a suggestion I gladly accepted. So we went to Paramount, bought our tickets in advance and since we had some time before the movie started, we went to Reubens for dinner.

The movie was definitelyy funny and at some points it was completely hilarious. Again a great appearancee from Jennifer Lopez (there is a reason I did not say performance; that was Jane Fonda.) However, I have to admit that the whole theme is not that uncommon for me because Greek mothers in law can be really much worse!! (They are improving though...)

Off the record:

My original plan was to do things 1-3 and then go to the gym.

Well, then Raph happened... I drunk a lot at TH (that was not actually Raph's fault, but he got me to TH anyway!) In fact, I was feeling a bit dizzy as we were walking down McTavish. Not only that, but later he proposed dinner. So, no gym, all these sandwiches I had at Simone's lunch reception after her defense, plus dinner, plus a soda at Paramount (I needed something to help me digest), well, you figure it out! But, this is off the record...

Yes, that was a good day....

Δευτέρα, Μαΐου 23, 2005

Dinner with a friend

How did I spend the day by actually doing nothing?
Well, as usual, church in the morning and then back home listening to music.
At around 5 pm, I started getting ready to go to my friend Pat's place, who had invited me for dinner. The last time she invited me to her place was during Lent, (yes, no meat and dairy) but that was not an issue today.
Her mother had made lamb with peas and a very tasty spanakopita. Once again, I had a great time enjoying a wonderful dinner and the company of her parents and two of her friends who were also invited. And, (once again) I got some food back home...
(My friend and her mother actually gave me a ride back home since they live at the outskirts of Montreal, near Laval.)
I really had an wonderful evening, but still I am deeply concerned about a certain individual (and a friend) who is really in a shitty situation right now.
I will try to make it up for you...

Κυριακή, Μαΐου 22, 2005

Eurovision Song Contest

And the winner is....
Helena Paparizou from Greece.
The Greek song "My number one" was voted first among the 24 countries participating in the final of the ESC that took place yesterday in Kiev, Ukraine.
Greece came first with 230 points, followed by Malta ("Angel", 192 points) and Romania ("Let me try", 158 points).
It was the first time ever that Greece won the contest (the best position they had ever got was 3rd in 2001 (Antique) and last year (Sakis Rouvas) in Istanbul, Turkey.)
O.K., this is not actually a Mozart or Beethoven style event, but still...
The Eurovision Song Contest started in 1956 in Lugano, Switzerland and since then it is hosted every year in the capital of the country that wins the competition the year before. 25 countries across Europe compete in a what has become more a media event than a song contest. Each participating country forms a contest committee who during the final they vote for the rest of the countries (they cannot vote for themselves!) by giving them points that range from 1-12. It has become customary now the committees's decision to be determined by a tele-voting procedure where viewers choose their favourite song (from another country).
Famous winners of ESC include ABBA (Sweden,1974) and, believe it or not, the Canadian Celine Dion (representing Switzerland (!) in 1988). And last but not least, Israeli Dana International became the first trans-sexual ever to win the contest in 1998 with the song "Diva".
Congratulations Helena and see you all next year in Athens...

Σάββατο, Μαΐου 21, 2005

Pizza at TH

Today (yesterday) was Friday so, once again Pizza at TH with Émile, Raph, Gus, Tobin and Josh.
I had a great time (as always), but I guess I had eaten too much. Not only I had the Tramonto pizza but afterwards, being still hungry and carried away by Gus who was also hungry, we shared a Sole di Mezzanotte. And to make things worse I followed Josh's suggestion (at least I considered it as such) and I had a nice ice-cream on my way back home as desert. (O.K., it wasn't Josh's fault, I really needed that ice-cream!)
At least I walked with Émile up to Mont-Royal... (Um.., I really do not think that helped my diet though...)
This was one of the last times I freely entered TH. After June the 2nd, (convocation day) I will have no ID, so there might be trouble...
To all of you guys presenting at CLA, I wish you good luck, kick some ass, break a leg or as the Klingons would say [qapla?]!
By the way, when you return, could somebody sneak me in TH?
Thank you..

Παρασκευή, Μαΐου 20, 2005

May the Force be with you...

Yes, this is a Star Wars post.
I have just returned home after watching Star Wars: The Revenge of the Sith.
So about the movie:

Good points:

  • Great visual/audio effects (although in some instances they were too cartoonish, but I guess that is inevitable).
  • The scene long waited: The legendary duel between Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. It was a great fighting sequence that took place on parallel with another astonishing duel between Yoda and the Emperor. Both scenes are the movie's greatest assets.
  • Finally, it all makes sense. Meaning that the deformation of the Emperor's face on Episodes IV-VI and that of Anakin/Darth Vader's body is explained.
  • There are a lot of light-saber and some battle-cruiser battles. (If you like them, that is). There is definitely a lot of action in this movie!

Bad points:

  • Acting: It was mediocre at best. Definitely a lot better than in episodes I and II but still...The far most best performance was that of Yoda's (Go Yoda, go!)
  • The plot was generally weak. (Though there were a few good points). I mean, Anakin's seduction to the dark side of the Force was even worse than that of Eve's by the snake!
  • The robots (you all know whom I am talking for) and the Wookie (yes, I mean Chewbacca) were too much. Do not get me wrong, it is totally legitimate to try to establish a link with the movies more than 20 years ago, but it does not need to be put so bluntly. They were just out of place...
  • The so much before advertised "darkness" of the movie (PG 13) does not actually add something extra to its impact. I mean, what is the point to be evil if you cannot make the audience afraid?

Overall, Episode III is far better than Episodes I and II and sometimes it reminded me of the first Star Wars movies, but still it lacks in imagination and (that is unavoidable) originality. Honestly, I truly believe that George Lucas instead of making 3 prequels (one terrible (I), one semi-bad (II) and one good (III),) he could have made just one that would have matched up with the films of the original trilogy.

So, THM (Take Home Message): If you are a Star Wars fan, go and watch the movie and do not just wait for the DVD. Some movies must be watched in a theatre!! On the other hand, if you do not generally enjoy sci-fi flicks with lots of effects but no serious plot or acting involved, FORGET IT.

The choice is yours and may the Force be with you always... (and stay away from the dark side..)

Τρίτη, Μαΐου 17, 2005

My apartment/My nest

I have just realized today that there is a bird nest in my balcony. Now, as you may have concluded, I do not often get out to my balcony, although the view from the 14th floor I live is great and the weather is getting better and better.
Anyway, for the past couple of weeks I have been seeing some pigeons standing on the edge of the balcony, but I did not pay any attention. So, you can imagine my surprise today when I opened the balcony door and I found a little nest behind it (A very inconspicuous place, don't you agree?).Not only that, but inside the nest there was a little white egg!! However, the mother was not there.
Right now, the mother is sitting on the egg, and I face a problem; what to do?
As I got out to the balcony today, I realized that there was a lot of pigeon poop all over the place and I imagine things will get worse.
If there was no egg, I would probably destroy the nest but now this is not an option.
Any ideas?

Δευτέρα, Μαΐου 16, 2005

Supervisor Meeting

Like many other people I had a meeting with my supervisor today. The overall point:
That was a meeting I should not be there in the first place!!
Officially, I am graduating this June, so the department did not actually assess my progress for this year. GP told me that typically I should have a meeting with him next Fall when I will start my PhD.
Anyway, there was an unofficial briefing for my PhD program (courses to take and evaluation papers).Strange thing though: For that whole intervening period, my status is obscure. Meaning that I am considered more a tourist than a student). Let me explain:
I cannot log on to any of the computers in the Department or in Arts Faculty in general, because I have not registered for summer semester (something I cannot do anyway; remember? I am graduating!) and things are going to be worse when I will give in my student card a couple of days before convocation....(Otherwise I get no gown!).
So, no Library, no access to the department... Almost funny isn't it?
I am kicked out, and I guess that is why I keep on hearing in my head (oh, that mental jukebox!):
"Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more" (actually " till September", but you get the point.)

Παρασκευή, Μαΐου 13, 2005

Evening at Meg's

Well, that was an interesting day.
It started with me getting a new frame for my glasses (the other one was irreversibly damaged!!)
Later this afternoon, after the gym, I went to my friend's Meg who had this little "shin-dig" at her new apartment. Erin, Émile and Erin were already there when I arrived. Meg had provided the lunchables including some very nice brownies and ice-cream. Once again I contributed to the feast by providing home-made tzatziki and (non home-made) mini pitas. I do believe the tzatziki was a success, (if you ask me, it's all in the garlic) since I know for a fact that at least one person enjoyed it very much.
Later on, a bunch of other people joined us incuding Meg's sister, Jason, Megan and as usual some other people I don't remember their names (once again, I am SORRY). Actually, the place got a bit crowded; some people had to sit on the floor, but I guess we all had a lot of fun and enjoyed ourselves very much.
At around 11.40 Émile and I left and after I walked with him up to his place (another chance for exercise), I headed to my place.
I really needed this today after a very disturbing TA evaluation (again) that made me extremely angry, upset and, I admit, sad. Actually, I do not want to go through the details, but I will just make one remark:
The apparently necessary anonymity should never be used as a cover for really rude and hurtful remarks!! After all, people can still make a point without forgetting the species they belong to!!

Πέμπτη, Μαΐου 12, 2005

Movie day

Yes, another lazy day has happily passed.
After having a late lunch/early dinner, me and my friends Panayotis, Nora and Antonis went to Famous Players where we watched two movies. (Antonis left after the first one because he had to go to work early in the morning).
The first one was Crash. Now the movie is about an ordinary (I guess) topic: Racial conflict and stereotypes in USA. The setting: Los Angeles. The characters involve a number of people representing the white, the African-American, Latino, Arab and Asian community. The theme is rather simple and straightforward but still powerful: In a city that everyone minds their own business, the unavoidable interaction of people of different race and their will (and unwillingness) to overcome their prejudices and stereotypes leaves room only for one color: gray.
If there is a strong point in this movie (sometimes I thought the message was too straightforward; I always believed that movies of this type have to make the audience think for themselves and not give them something already filtered to ponder on) is that people are just gray. There is no black and white, no good or evil, no racist or liberal, it is all circumstantial... Specific situations can bring the best and the worst of us to the surface.
Overall, it is an interesting movie and although it does not avoid some clichés it is worth watching.
The second movie was a bit more easy going: The hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy. O.K., the movie is funny, not absolutely hilarious like Kung-Fu Hustle (see previous post) but still funny. I cannot tell you too much about this movie, only that I recognized some intentional references to Star Trek (that babel fish thing that acted as a universal translator and the Vogon's statement :"Resistance is useless!" (Come on!!!)) and Star Wars (the light-saber knife that toasts bread while it cuts it(!!) was a nice idea). However, the funniest part of the movie was the dolphins song. (BTW, the dolphins are the second most intelligent life form on Earth, and for your information, we are the third; if you want to know what the first is, you have to see the movie). Here is my favorite part of that song:

"....The world's about to be destroyed/
there is no point getting all annoyed/
lie back and let the planet dissolve/
Despite those nets of tuna fleets/
we thought that most of you were sweet/
especially tiny tots and pregnant women/
So long, so long, so long, so long,/
so long, so long, so long, so long/
and thanks, for all the fish!...

Yes, I had some good time today!!

Τρίτη, Μαΐου 10, 2005

Beautiful warm day

I looked at my thermometer this day and I could not believe it: 26.5°C! Am I still in Montreal or was I beamed to Athens? (BTW, it was 27 °C in Athens today!)
I don't know about statistics (after all, I have been in this city for only 2 years) but I don't recall to be that warm in May or even in June.
Anyway, the weather was really enjoyable today. It was just perfect for a little walk or any kind of leisure activities.
Oh well, it was good while it lasted. (If I am not mistaken, tomorrow we should expect some showers in the afternoon.) I guess those cold air currents are coming back with a vengeance!

Σάββατο, Μαΐου 07, 2005

Mexican Friday

After spending some time in the department for (re)grading some final exams and having a meeting with my supervisor for my M.A. paper (it needs corrections and my English definitely needs improvement) I rushed home to do some laundry. You see, today was cinco de mayo (O.K., seis de mayo, whatever!!) and awesome oh had planned a beautiful Mexican food fiesta at her new apartment later this afternoon.
So, I got back to the department, joined Raph and Gus and we all headed to Erin's place. Well, we had to stop for the required Mexican supplies (tortillas etc.) and wine and then, by bus and on foot we got to our destination.
The apartment is situated in a nice area; supermarkets and necessary facilities seem to be in a walking distance, and most importantly it is not too noisy. Yeah, that was a good choice of place...
The food was great and the company even greater. Émile, Meg, Jake, Megan, Tobin, Josh, Erin D., Heather and her friend (that came later on) and some other people their names I don't remember, we all had a great time (Again, please forgive my forgetful nature but it is 02.50 am and besides I was never good with names!!).
However, the attraction of the night was of course the Piñata that we managed to smash at the close-by park!!.
It was an innocent looking frog -shaped Piñata, but do not let the disguise fool you. That thing stood up a good fight. Our primary weapon (a broom stick) got seriously damaged and in fact, it broke up in two (you noticed I didn't say that Émile broke it in two?). Anyway, our struggling attempts weakened its resistance, so when my turn came I delivered the fatal strike (yes, although blindfolded, I managed to overcome the obstacles. Once again the Force was with me....)
As true conquerors we divided the spoils (the candies were great, BTW, this was the first time after 10 years I had a sucker) and returned back to Erin's apartment. Time happily passed with chatting and crafting (there was a lot of paper there to make paper flowers and other art masterpieces) and at around 12.30 Émile, Raph and me left.
Awesome Oh, thank you again for an awesome evening....

Πέμπτη, Μαΐου 05, 2005

Snore me awake!!

This is a true story!!
Strange events continue to happen in the building. Yesterday, I went to bed really late (around 3.oo am) however, I woke up at 5.00 am.
Was it the sun? (I have no curtains and sun light gets in)
Was it nature calling?
-No!. Then what was it? (you might ask...)
Well, a strange noise coming from my wall woke me up. It sounded like a drilling sound, but not too noisy (like from a battery operated drill; if you have one, you know what I mean). Immediately I thought "WTF"?? It is 5.oo am in the morning! Who the @@!! is drilling?
Anyway, since that sound was definitely coming from the corridor out of my apartment, I thought I should get out and check.
Well, I opened the door and what did I find?
Construction workers?
And the mystery was resolved: At the end of the corridor, outside an apartment there was a guy sleeping in front of the door and SNORING. You could not possibly imagine the noise. It did not actually sound like a snore. It was just a loud sound, almost like the lion's roar (see previous post). Just think that if that noise could pass through walls and be conceived as a drilling sound, how loudly this guy snored!!!
I have seen this person before with a girl that I believe lives there. I do not know if he was looking for her, didn't find her and decided to get a nap outside her apartment or if she threw him out (by the way, judging from his snoring, she would have a very valid reason!!)
What could I do? In a way I felt sorry for the guy that was sleeping outside, (that must be very uncomfortable) and I did not wake him up (though the thought crossed my mind); but that NOISE? GOD!!
Anyway, I got back to bed and tried to get some sleep,which eventually happened 45 minutes later when he stopped snoring...
Needless to say, I woke up really late and headed to the department (where I had to do some grading) at around 1.00 pm.
I just have one question: Since I do have a hearing problem, if that guy could wake me up, I just cannot understand how come other people did not complain? It does not make any sense, unless they just don't care...
Crazy people, noisy people, construction works going on since January....
I am getting fed up with this building...

Δευτέρα, Μαΐου 02, 2005

A strange encounter

As I was heading to the lift to get to my apartment in my building, I saw this strange person standing in front of the laundry room. He was a man, mid-30's I guess, not badly dressed but he really looked and mailnly acted strange. He was panting and he just looked scared, and I mean really scared, for something.
He was holding the laundry door open (which is kind of strange since that room is supposed to be locked after 22.00 (at least this is what they tell us!!) and he wouldn't let it go.
Now, I have never seen this guy before but there was another person with him, an older man (that I did recognize as a tenant who was trying to calm the other guy. (He was speaking to him in French so I could not really understand what he was telling him. By the wat, I really do not like this guy, because he has the bad habit to smoke in the lift and whenever I get in, I cannot breathe)
The other guy was still very upset, not talking at all, just looking and acting scared to death. (There was certainly something wrong with him.) Anyway, the lift came and then my problems begun.
When the door opened and I got in, the frightened guy rushed to the lift and stood exactly at the entrance of the chamber. Well, you can imagine that the doors would not close, so what I firstly did was to ask him either to get in or to step out.
Yes, very clever of me trying to establish a conversation with a mentally imbalanced person. He heard me, but I am not sure he understood me. He was just looking at me really scared and panting and did not make any move. Although, this could be a very scary moment, I was not actually afraid. On the contrary, I started feeling bad for this person. Who know what was wrong with him? The other guy tried to talk him out of the lift (I also asked him to do so) but with no success. He even tried to pull him out, but he just wouldn't move. I could push him myself but how the hell could I tell what would his reactions be?
I live at the 14th floor and the thought of walking up to my apartment is not very appealing. I thought I could get the other lift (the building has two lifts) but first I had to get out of the one was in. Well, that was not easy with that guy standing at the entrance and keeping the doors from closing. It is not like he wanted to keep me in, but he wouldn't move because I guess he didn't want the doors to close.
Anyway, I managed to get out, called the other lift, and when the doors opened, that guy actually tried to get to the lift where I was but the other man stopped him!! As the doors closed I was thinking what the hell was that about, and should I report it or not. I guess I should, but it is not like that I ever felt threatened during this event; If there was somebody scared for some reason, that was the person that held the door of the lift open.
On the other hand, I am not sure what is the relation between the smoker tenant and that person. Did he know him? I really do not think this is the ordinary person out there that walks among other people. I mean, we are talking about a man that saw his own reflection in the mirror (there is a mirror on the wall across the lifts) and literally got scared of it. Besides, it is very difficult for a non-tenant to get into the building because the door closes very quickly and the last three days the key panel in the entrance does not work, so the door has to be opened manually. Somebody is responsible for this and tomorrow I will talk to the lady in the office. (I have to pay my rent anyway).
And I thought that the only weird person that lived in this building is that middle-aged lady that whenever she sees somebody asks them stupid questions. The most recent event was 5 days ago: As I got the lift down at 8.00 am, that lady got in and she asked me and the other guy that was in the lift "How was your day?" to which I replied "Well, it just started"(that made the other guy start laughing.) O.K., maybe this is not so weird but what is weird is that this lady had asked me over than 10 times (in different occasions) if I have a cigarette (to which 10 times I replied I do not smoke, (loss of short-term memory?)) and also has the habit of staying at the lobby with her night dress and slippers really late at night (11.00-12.30), even during winter when it is a bit cold downstairs.
Maybe, I should start thinking of moving....

Easter with friends

I had a really good time today (yesterday). I woke up really late (1.00 p.m., I guess it had been a while since I enjoyed a good sleep) made some phone calls, sent e-mails to friends for Easter and in the afternoon headed to my friend Panayotis' place for the habitual annual Easter feast.
Thank God, it was not raining (at least most of the time) so I had some BBQ chicken and pork chops. (Actually, the custom demands lamb on a spit but you need a big yard for that and besides neither I nor my friend and his girlfriend are big fans of lamb.)
Anyway, the food was exceptional (after all, I hadn't had meat for over a month). I also brought some wine (there cannot be a feast without wine, can it?) and the day continued with us (me Panayotis, Nora and Kevin (a common friend) eating, drinking and playing PS 2. I really enjoy when I get to my friend's place. Not only the company is great but also it is one of the few places that I can have truly exceptional home made meals. (My cooking skills are of no match!).
Actually, last night, we all went to church together for the midnight Easter service and when we got home, we "clinked" eggs (that is another Greek tradition; red-dyed boiled eggs are prepared during Holy Thursday and after midnight of Holy Saturday people clink them with each other. Eggs are traditionally red (although the can be dyed in other colors) a color that symbolizes the Blood of Christ and their cracking on Easter symbolizes His Resurrection.) and ate some tsoureki. Actually, my friend's girlfriend had a made a tsoureki just for me (and I have to tell you it was just cooking poetry!!)
I guess all that tsoureki, meat and galaktobureko (g=[γ]) didn't help my diet, but it was Easter and besides tomorrow I am back to the gym.
Yes, I really had a great Easter!!

Κυριακή, Μαΐου 01, 2005


Christus Resurrexit
Christ is Risen
Christ est Resurrecté
Christus ist Auferstanden
Христос воскресе

Χριστός Ανέστη εκ νεκρών Christ is risen from the dead
θανάτω θάνατον πατήσας Trampling down death by death
και τοις εν τοις μνήμασι And upon those in the tombs
ζωήν χαρισάμενος Bestowing life

(Troparion of the Resurrection)