Believe it or not, I have to shamefully admit I do not know how to ride a bicycle. Yes, I 've been on a tricycle (when I was a child) but my first and only attempt to actually ride a real bicycle was when I was 14 and that was a very, very unsuccessful (and painful) experience, as I recall.
So, I let it be, and kept on looking ,some times with envy, all these people that could do something I didn't know how
Now you know where this is getting at, don't you? Well, I finally decided that "better late than ever", so today, I had my first serious attempt to get the hand of it. In fact, I had asked some friends (one of them had a spare bike to let me try) to help me in my task. So, today was the day!
Now, since this is not Hollywood but real life, I cannot tell you how I mastered the whole bike thing in 1 hour, because I just....didn't!!! However, I did manage to stay on the (bleep) thing for second(s) and, I guess, that is some progress.
Everything is balance, I know that, and unfortunately this is exactly what I lack. (And I do not think all this extra weight helps!) But, I am determined to go through it at least if not for myself, just to disprove this stupid saying I chose as a title for this entry.
So, wish me luck and I am open to suggestions/ advise etc.
(Just please be helpful and if you want to make fun of me, do it before or after you leave some comments)