Τρίτη, Ιανουαρίου 30, 2007

Not in the mood...

Well, at least this day did not end up to be a complete disaster...
So, let me be more clear...

In general, this was not supposed to be a good day after all.
First, today marks the second year anniversary of my mother's passing. Diphilus once said
"Λύπης πάσης ἱατρός γίνεται χρόνος." ("Time becomes the healer of every sorrow") which in my case probably means that I do need more time....

Given my condition and also the fact that yesterday I had to hear all over again the story about a woman I know being diagnosed with breast cancer, it's no surprise I woke up today at 4.30 am after a rather disturbing nightmare. (If you are not in the mood of reading about scary/depressing dreams, just skip the following paragraph)...
I cannot remember all the details, but
somehow, it was about a friend of mine (I cannot remember whom exactly) who happened to participate in a race (I think it was a WRC-like event). Now, this person was involved in a terrible accident, so I immediately rushed to the site (don't ask how I got there; it is a dream, after all) and found him bleeding to death. As he was about to die, he grabbed my hands and tearfully asked me to pray for his soul. This is when I woke up, rather upset, I have to admit...
Needless to say, I didn't manage to get a lot of sleep afterwards, so I was feeling rather drowsy in class today.

Last and not least, I had an appointment scheduled with EBG about my eval. paper, a meeting I worried about a lot since my research had reached a dead end....

Well, the good news is that the evaluation paper may not end up into a disaster after all. (As long as I manage to have it done by March 30th).

The bad news is that I still can't get that stupid dream off my mind, something which given the circumstances is expected, but still, extremely annoying...

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Anonymous Ανώνυμος said...

Hey, 'Thanassis, I just wanted to say 'Aionia i mnimi' for your mom (forgive me for deforming your language :p...).

Oh, and I sure hope I wasn't the friend in your dream. I'm not ready to go just yet...

See ya on Sunday!


12:21 π.μ.  
Anonymous Ανώνυμος said...

thanasis, my condolences again.

that's a terrible dream. i can completely sympathise with you since i've had my share of terrible, portentous dreams myself.

1:02 π.μ.  

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