Some facts and statistics as published by UNAIDS/WHO in November 2005: For a summarized report click here)
- More than 25 million people have died of AIDS since 1981.
- Africa has 12 million AIDS orphans.
- By December 2005, women accounted for 46% of all adults living with HIV worldwide, and for 57% in sub-Saharan Africa.
- Young people (15-24 years old) account for half of all new HIV infections worldwide - more than 6,000 become infected with HIV every day.
- Of the 6.5 million people in developing and transitional countries who need life-saving AIDS drugs, only 1 million are receiving them.
- During 2005, 4.9 million people became infected by HIV and 3.1 million died.
In Canada (2004, for 2005 click here)
- Up to December 2004, 19,828 people were diagnosed with AIDS. At least 13,400 people have died.
- Among adult AIDS cases reported with known exposure category, the proportion accounted for by MSM (men who have sex with men) fell from more than three-quarters in the years prior to 1994, to 36% in 2004.
- Conversely, the heterosexual exposure category increased from 10% to 38% over the same period
In Greece (up to the first half of 2005)
- Since 1985, 7,371 people were diagnosed with HIV
- 248 people were diagnosed with HIV only this year, 179 men and 69 women. 14 people died.
- 34.7% of the newly reported cases do not belong to a determined exposure category. MSM accounts for 30.2% of these cases while 31% involves heterosexual men and women.
- The proportion related to injection drug use remains low (3.9%)
Finally, by the time you will have read this post:
- 13 people will have been infected with HIV
- 9 will have died from AIDS
Please remember the people affected by this terrible disease (as well as their families) in your prayers and even if you are not the believer type, try to find a way to SUPPORT them. They do need as much of that as they can get...
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