Πέμπτη, Σεπτεμβρίου 15, 2005

Back to Montreal...

After a very nice trip from London to Montreal (I guess traveling business class is always good), I safely arrived at the aiport last Tuesday evening. Needless to say, I was exhausted and needed some sleep, however the fire alarm test scheduled for next day did not allow me this pleasure.
Anyway, I got up at 9.00 am (the alarm actually got me up) and decided to go to school since I didn't want to miss any more classes. Besides, I had some other stuff to do, like officially registering and getting my Health Insurance and student I.D card.
Getting to the department was an interesting experience; I was walking down familiar streets, but still unable to realize where exactly I was. (JET LAG)
Anyway, I got to the department, attended a TA meeting and then had lunch with Émile at TH where we met Raph, Tobin and another guy whose name I cannot remember (I was completely unable to store any new information that day).
At around 13.30, I dragged Émile to the administration building where I registered (but I did not get my I.D. card) and then we headed back to the department where we had a class.
Now, I was able to to keep up with what was going on but still my brain refused to be productive.
Later on, me, Raph and a new graduate student (his name I also do not remember, SORRY) went to TH for dinner and beer.(Although, Tobin suggested to me to have a beer earlier, I did not, because JET LAG +BEER= "GOOD NIGHT" and I had a class afterwards. But there were no limitations later...) Time happily passed with eating, drinking and chatting and at around 19.30 we all left.
I headed straight home and tried to get some rest.
So today, I woke up around noon, got to the department where I had to talk tosome people, got my health insurance card and sat in for OCF at Shatner.
Life is getting back to normal and it is starting to feel like Montreal again...

Finally, as promised, here are some links with pictures from Samos. They are actually three sets:

I hope you enjoy them...


Anonymous Ανώνυμος said...

Tom Waits sues over soundalike in ads
The two-time Grammy winner filed the civil lawsuit with a state court in Frankfurt, listing Adam Opel AG and advertising firm McCann Erickson as the defendants.
My affiliate site:email address

12:17 π.μ.  
Blogger erin elizabeth king said...

yo thanos! your pictures are beautiful! i'm glad you made it back to canada okay! visas are sucky.


7:19 π.μ.  
Anonymous Ανώνυμος said...

Hi Thanos! It was nice to meet you (again), albeit briefly.

12:49 μ.μ.  

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