Για το Γρηγόρη (For Grigoris)
Last Thursday one of the greatest singers in Greece, Grigoris Bithikotsis passed away at the age of 83. His characteristic voice accompanied generations of Greeks. It was through his voice that the works of great composers (like Mikis Theodorakis and Manos Chatzidakis) and poets (like the two Nobel prize winners Odisseas Elitis and Yorgos Seferis) were known to the public.
But mostly, Bithikostsis was loved because he sang for both the joyful and the bitter times of the Greek people. His body lied on state for public viewing on Sunday and his funeral took place yesterday Monday. It was attended by state officials (the prime minister and party leaders) as well as his colleagues singers. The procession from Athens cathedral to the cemetery was followed by hundreds of people that were singing quietly some of his most known songs.
On the head of the procession there was a beautiful carriage with two horses, one black and one white. This was to honor one of the most beautiful songs he composed:
Ένα όμορφο αμάξι με δυο άλογα/ 'A beautiful carriage with two horses/
να μου φέρετε τα μάτια μου σαν κλείσω/ bring το me when I shut my eyes/
το ντουνιά με τα στραβά και τα παράλογα/ the wrongs and insanity of the world/
καβαλλάρης μια φορά να σεργιανίσω/ as a rider, once, to promenade.
Το ένα τ' άλογο να είναι άσπρο/ Let one horse be white/
όπως τα όνειρα που έκανα παιδί/ like the dreams I used to have as a child/
το άλλο τ' άλογο να είναι μαύρο/ let the other horse be black/
σαν την πικρή μου την κατάμαυρη ζωή/ like my bitter, all-black life'
Καλό σου ταξίδι Γρηγόρη
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